felix striegel | cinematography
felix striegel
cinematographer based in hamburg and vienna
steadicam operator and owner of an Arri Artemis Cine HD Pro Rig
master of arts in cinematography (hamburg media school | germany)
magister artium in cinematography (filmakademie wien | austria)
if you want to see more of my work please contact me
| awards |
golden tadpole winner at CAMERIMAGE 2017
for "watu wote"
special award winner at CAMERIMAGE 2017 | polish filmmakers association
(best cinematographer in student etudes competition)
for "watu wote"
young talent award winner | german camera award 2017
nachwuchspreis deutscher kamerapreis 2017
for "watu wote"
grand off world independent short film awards 2017
for "watu wote"
best cinematography award at sehsüchte potsdam babelsberg 2010
for "catafalque"
student oscar academy award 2017
gold medal for narrative film (international schools)
for "watu wote"
nomination for the oscars 2018
in the category short film (live action)
for "watu wote"